Photofest 2022
Back in the summer I sent my first collection of photos to a photo contest: Photofest 2022. The themes of this contest were Nature, Sustainability and Human interaction with Nature. Thus, I thought about sending the best photos taken to insects around the house; these are macro photos taken with an extension tube (26 mm). However, there is one exception the photo with maize grains drying in an open space.
I guess that this collection captures the ideas of curiosity, exploration, survival and surprise. If I was expecting to find insects which would be hard to capture a photo of, I was not expecting to find dead insects ready for a photo. This project was somewhat a reminder that nature operates at all scales, and we tend to ignore both extremes. We seem to ignore insects because they are too small, but we also ignore global warming because it is too big. So, human interaction with nature should be more sustainable (as it was once before), and hopefully, these old costumes will not be forgotten.
The photos (possibly cropped to display):
🎁 Get free copies of these photos in high resolution here
- Contest results: none of these photos were selected to be part of the 40 in display during the event.